
A key objective of the Skeena Arch project was to generate a series of GIS compatible data files that could be downloaded and incorporated into standard GIS software packages. The files are available as ESRI shape files as this format can be used in almost all commercially available GIS packages including ESRI's free Arc Explorer. Two projections are currently available -- UTM and Geographic. Also included for download is a Manifold GIS Map file that contains all of the layers used to build the Skeena Arch metallogenic map. Manifold also supports the creation of KLM files for use in viewers such as Google Earth. The following KML layers were generated for the project area: RGS, copper and molybdenum anomalies; MINFILE and Porphyry Cu-Mo and Mo occurrences; geology layers, including Babine, Bulkley and Nanika intrusive suites, faults and marker units; and logging roads.