The goal of this study is to determine the lithological, geochemical and structural controls for potential mineralization
in the northern parts of the Westcoast Crystalline Complex, focusing primarily on the area to the southwest of
Muchalat Inlet. This area may be significantly under-explored due to its poor access, and the relative lack of modern
geological research in the area. The study will use an array of techniques including mapping, radiogenic isotope studies,
petrographic analyses, thermobarometry, fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies. These techniques will be integrated
into a geological framework of tectonics and mineralization, with the major points addressed in this study
Characterization of the potential and prospectivity of different styles of mineralization in the Westcoast Crystalline Complex.
- Additional geochemical data to be added to the publicly available compilation.
- Geological and tectonic setting of mineralization, relating specific mineralization styles to rock type, proximity to intrusions and crustal breaks.