Individual Papers | |
Foreword (PDF document, 96 KB) Note: Also contains the document title page, publishing information and table of contents |
Facilitating Responsible Natural Resource Development | |
P.A. Monahan, B.J. Hayes, M. Perra, Y. Mykula, J. Clarke, C. Gugins, C. Candy, D. Griffiths, O. Bayarsaikhan, O. Jones and U. Oki Shearwave Velocity Studies of Near-Surface Deposits in the Fort St. John–Dawson Creek Area, Northeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 5 MB) |
R.O. Salvage, J. Dettmer, T.H.A. Swinscoe, K. MacDougall, D.W. Eaton, M. Stacey, M. Aboud, T.-S. Kang, S. Kim and J. Rhie Real-Time Monitoring of Seismic Activity in the Kiskatinaw area, Northeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 3.5 MB) |
B. Wang, A. Verdecchia, H. Kao, R.M. Harrington, Y. Liu and H. Yu Numerical Modelling and Triggering Mechanism of the Largest Hydraulic Fracturing–Induced Earthquake in Northeastern British Columbia, Canada (PDF document, 2.8 MB) |
A. Amini and E. Eberhardt Machine-Learning Analysis of Factors Influencing Induced Seismicity Susceptibility in the Montney Play Area, Northeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 2 MB) |
A. Mehrabifard and E. Eberhardt Investigation of the Dependence of Induced Seismicity Magnitudes on Differential Stress and Pore Pressure Using Supervised Machine Learning, Northeastern British Columbia and Globally (PDF document, 1.6 MB) |
M.P. Roth, K.B. Kemna, R.M. Harrington and Y. Liu Preliminary Results of Source Parameter Inversion of Earthquake Sequences Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing in the Kiskatinaw Area, Northeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 7.1 MB) |
P. Wozniakowska and D.W. Eaton Analysis of the Seismogenic Activation Potential in the Montney Formation, Northeastern British Columbia and Northwestern Alberta (PDF document, 4.5 MB) |
Advancing Science and Innovative Geoscience Technologies | |
B.J. Hayes, J.H. Anderson, M. Cooper, P.J. McLellan, B. Rostron and J. Clarke Wastewater Disposal in the Maturing Montney Play Fairway, Northeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 6.9 MB) |
G.R.L. Chalmers, R.M. Bustin and A.A. Bustin Isotopic Fingerprinting of Sulphur Sources for the Hydrogen Sulphide Gas in the Montney Formation, Northeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 3.3 MB) |
P.L. Silva and R.M. Bustin Hydrogen Sulphide within the Triassic Doig Formation, Northeastern British Columbia and Northwestern Alberta (PDF document, 6.1 MB) |
V. Chevrot, S. Hernandez and N.B. Harris Example of Fluid Migration and Distribution Modelling in Unconventional Reservoirs from the Montney Formation, Northeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 2.7 MB) |
Enabling Clean Energy | |
S.E. Grasby, S.M. Ansari, A. Calahorrano-Di Patre, Z. Chen, J.A. Craven, J. Dettmer, H. Gilbert, C. Hanneson, M. Harris, J. Liu, M. Muhammad, K. Russell, R.O. Salvage, G. Savard, V. Tschirhart, M.J. Unsworth, N. Vigouroux-Caillibot and G. Williams-Jones Geothermal Resource Potential of the Garibaldi Volcanic Belt, Southwestern British Columbia (PDF document, 1.1 MB) |
Understanding Water | |
A. Allen, A.M. Goetz, P.S. Gonzalez, B. Ladd, A.G. Cahill, L. Welch, B. Mayer, C. van Geloven, D. Kirste and R.D. Beckie Installation of a Purpose-Built Groundwater Monitoring Well Network to Characterize Groundwater Methane in the Peace Region, Northeastern British Columbia: Activity Report 2019–2020 (PDF document, 6.4 MB) |
C.J.C. Van De Ven, A.G. Cahill, B. Ladd, J. Chao, J. Soares, T. Cary, N. Finke, C. Manning, A.L. Popp, C. Chopra, K.U. Mayer, A. Black, R. Lauer, C. van Geloven, L. Welch, S. Crowe, B. Mayer and R.D. Beckie Controlled Natural Gas Release Experiment in a Confined Aquifer, Northeastern British Columbia: Activity Report 2019–2020 (PDF document, 2.4 MB) |
S.L. Lapp, D.L. Cottrell, E.G. Johnson, W.T. Van Dijk and L.G. Wytrykush Pilot Collaborative Water Monitoring Program, Northeastern British Columbia: An Overview (PDF document, 2.3 MB) |
A.M. Goetz and R.D. Beckie Groundwater Recharge in a Confined Paleovalley Setting, Northeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 6.6 MB) |
Summary of Activities 2020: Energy & Water
ISSN 2562-2757 (Print) / ISSN 2562-2765 (Online)

Geoscience BC, Report 2021-02
Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2020: Energy and Water, contains 16 papers from Geoscience BC-funded projects or scholarship recipients that are within Geoscience BC's strategic focus area of energy (including oil and gas, and geothermal) and water. An additional 15 papers from ongoing Minerals geoscience projects can be found in the companion volume Summary of Activities 2020: Minerals.
Limited print copies of both volumes will be available from Geoscience BC. Please contact
Click the button below to download the Energy & Water volume as a single PDF file (PDF document, 76 MB).
Summary of Activities 2020: Energy & Water