Digging Deep: Reanalysis Analysis!

By: Christa Pellett, Vice President, Minerals Geoscience BC’s Christa Pellett looks at minerals research projects that have added new value to old samples by reanalyzing them using modern techniques. Regional geochemical survey data has long been a staple in early stage mineral exploration in British Columbia. BC’s provincial government hosts the Regional Geochemical Survey (RGS) […]

2021 Geoscience BC Scholarship Program Provides Valuable Lift to New Generation of Geoscientists

Vancouver, BC – June 25, 2021 – Geoscience BC’s 2021 scholarship recipients have been announced, providing a valuable lift to 10 post-graduate geoscience students working on minerals, energy exploration and development projects in British Columbia. Each student will receive a $5,000 scholarship to support them as they conduct their applied geoscience research. “Geoscience BC’s scholarship […]

New Minerals Research to Boost Exploration Appeal for BC’s Central Interior

Vancouver, BC – June 23, 2021 – First results from Geoscience BC’s Central Interior Copper-Gold Research (CICGR) program have been published, and the new maps and geochemical reanalysis of more than 1,000 till samples will help to focus mineral exploration between Prince George and Mackenzie. An online community open house meeting about current and upcoming […]

Geoscience BC Welcomes Diana Sollner as Minerals Technical Advisory Committee Chair

Vancouver, BC – June 18, 2021 – Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the appointment of Diana Sollner as Chair of the Minerals Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). Diana has been a member of the Minerals TAC since 2017. Geoscience BC’s volunteer Minerals, Oil & Gas and Geothermal TACs are an essential part of our collaborative […]

Geoscience BC Energy Research Provides Detailed Open-Access Seismic Data

Vancouver, BC – June 17, 2021 – A Geoscience BC energy research project has established a closely spaced network of seismographs in the Kiskatinaw area of British Columbia’s Northeast Region to help understand in more detail how and why, in certain circumstances, earthquakes can be caused by hydraulic fracturing and wastewater disposal during natural gas […]

New Water Research Measures Potential Impacts of Fugitive Gas Emissions on Groundwater

Vancouver, BC – June 9, 2021 – Researchers have gained valuable insights into the movement and measurement of natural gas in the shallow subsurface, as well as assessments of impacts to groundwater, using a custom-built field station in British Columbia’s Northeast Region. The Assessment of Fugitive Natural Gas on Near-Surface Groundwater Quality project report published […]

Digging Deep: Alternative Energy Sources in Northeast BC

By: Carlos Salas, Executive Vice President & Chief Scientific Officer Geoscience BC Chief Scientific Officer Carlos Salas highlights the largely unknown geothermal potential in northeastern BC’s Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, and summarizes public geoscience for the region available through Geoscience BC. The Challenge The world is on the cusp of a massive energy transition, much […]

Digging Deep: Highlighting the Need for Science, Technology, Innovation and Collaboration

By: Stephanie Killam, Chair of the Board and Gavin C. Dirom, President & CEO The COVID-19 pandemic made 2020 and early 2021 a period of significant change, challenge and adaptation for society globally. As we look to economic recovery there is an opportunity to build on British Columbia’s successes and leverage our existing competitive advantages, […]

AME in Partnership with Geoscience BC Present Summary of Activities 2020: Minerals – Presentation Details

  Geoscience BC and the Association for Mineral Exploration are partnering to present the following six mineral research projects from 9:00 am to 11:00 am PST on Thursday, May 20, 2021. Presentations now available

New Energy Project Set to Revolutionalize Water Treatment at Natural Gas Sites

Vancouver, BC – May 6, 2021 – Geoscience BC and NGIF Industry Grants (a division of NGIF Capital Corporation) are supporting Saltworks Technologies Inc. to develop its AirBreather evaporator-crystallizer. Saltworks’ AirBreather Pilot uses excess heat from natural gas production to efficiently and effectively treat produced water on-site. The project will test its innovative evaporation system […]
