Out Now: Geoscience BC Annual Report 2020-21

Vancouver, BC – May 4, 2021 – Geoscience BC’s Annual Report 2020-21 highlights innovative and collaborative research projects in British Columbia that are contributing to BC’s economic recovery, lower emission future and stronger relationships with Indigenous groups, industry, local governments and academia. The Annual Report 2020-21 serves as a report card against the Geoscience BC […]

AME in Partnership with Geoscience BC Present Summary of Activities 2020: Minerals

Presentations are now available here Vancouver, BC – April 19, 2021 – Geoscience BC and the Association for Mineral Exploration (AME) are partnering to present six minerals research projects that are helping to identify new natural resource opportunities and advancing science and innovative geoscience technologies at an online event during BC Mining Month. The webinar, […]

Geoscience BC Quarterly Newsletter – Geoscience BC research updates, 2021 scholarship program and new blog posts

Vancouver, BC – April 12, 2021 – This quarterly update from Geoscience BC covers the January to March quarter and provides Geoscience BC research updates, 2021 scholarship program and latest editions of the Digging Deep blog. View Quarterly Newsletter About Geoscience BC Geoscience BC generates independent, public geoscience research and data about British Columbia’s minerals, […]

Save the Date: Central Interior Copper-Gold Research Update, April 27, 2021

Vancouver, BC – April 8, 2021 – Geoscience BC researchers will provide an update on the latest research from our Central Interior Copper-Gold Research (CICGR) project series as part of the 2021 Kamloops Exploration Group (KEG) Technical Talk Lunch Series at 12:00 PM Pacific Time on April 27, 2021. Dianne Mitchinson, Research Associate at the […]

Digging Deep: A Vancouver Island Geoscience Retrospective

By: Christa Pellett, Vice President, Minerals Geoscience BC’s Christa Pellett looks back at a series of minerals research projects that continue to support mineral exploration on Vancouver Island. In January 2020 Geoscience BC released the results of the Vancouver Island North (VIN) Regional Project which comprised a high-resolution airborne magnetic and radiometric survey of northern […]

Geoscience BC 2021 Picture Competition is Now Open!

Vancouver, BC – March 31, 2021 – Geoscience BC has launched its annual picture competition and is asking anyone who has worked on a Geoscience BC project to share their pictures that tell a great geoscience research story. Pictures can be submitted by principal investigators, students (including scholarship winners) and field assistants. Pictures from the […]

Geoscience BC Welcomes New Technical Advisory Committee Members

Vancouver, BC – March 29, 2021 – The appointment of four new volunteers to Geoscience BC’s Oil & Gas and Minerals Technical Advisory Committees (TACs) will help to further widen the expertise of groups that identify, plan, develop and review our independent, relevant and public earth science research in British Columbia. Colin Frostad (Tourmaline Oil […]

2021 Geoscience BC Scholarship Applications Open

Vancouver, BC – March 17, 2021 – Applications for Geoscience BC’s 2021 scholarship program are now open. Each year, Geoscience BC awards $5,000 scholarships to up to ten post-graduate students working on British Columbia-focused minerals, energy or water geoscience research projects. The program is part of a commitment to support post-graduate research and the next […]

A Year in Review: Geoscience BC Energy & Water Projects

By: Carlos Salas, Executive Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer Geoscience BC released the Summary of Activities 2020: Energy & Water in January 2021. It contains 16 papers from Geoscience BC-funded projects or scholarship recipients. The papers contribute to meeting four strategic objectives from the Geoscience BC Strategic Plan 2018-2022: facilitating responsible natural resource development; […]

Volunteering Opportunity: Geoscience BC Geothermal Technical Advisory Committee

Applications are now closed Vancouver, BC – March 1, 2021 – Geoscience BC is seeking volunteers to join our Geothermal Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), a group of experts that identifies, plans, develops and reviews our independent, relevant and public geothermal related earth science research in British Columbia. Geoscience BC’s Minerals, Oil & Gas and Geothermal […]
