Database Updates to Boost Ability to Evaluate Natural Gas Sources and Potential Leaks
Vancouver, BC – December 3, 2020 – New data and a new processing script will help to make Geoscience BC’s BC Natural Gas Atlas (BC-NGA) an even more valuable tool to understand natural gas resources in British Columbia’s Northeast Region, and potentially aid in identifying natural gas leak sources. The BC-NGA includes an open-access geochemical […]
Independent Research Powered by Volunteers – December 2020
A diverse group of more than 50 volunteers – from our Board to technical committees – power Geoscience BC’s independent research By: Gavin C. Dirom, President & CEO Have you ever wondered how the Geoscience BC Society, a relatively small and independent organization with just nine staff members, gets so much done every year? The […]
Volunteering Opportunity: Geoscience BC Oil & Gas Technical Advisory Committee
Applications are now closed Vancouver, BC – November 23, 2020 – Geoscience BC is seeking volunteers to join our Oil & Gas Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), a group of experts that identifies, plans, develops and reviews our independent, relevant and public oil and gas related earth science research in British Columbia. Geoscience BC’s Minerals, Oil […]
New Energy Research Uses Machine Learning to Improve Earthquake Modelling and Prediction
Vancouver, BC – November 6, 2020 – New Geoscience BC energy research adds understanding to the relationship between hydraulic fracturing and induced seismicity in the Montney Formation in British Columbia’s Northeast Region. A new study developed models and workflows to investigate various parameters believed to be related to induced seismicity (earthquakes caused by human activity). […]
Digging Deep: Reading the Rocks that Host Natural Gas in British Columbia
Sedimentological and stratigraphic studies in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin By: Carlos Salas, Executive Vice President & Chief Scientific Officer BC’s portion of the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB), includes the Montney Play, which contains some of North America’s most significant natural gas deposits. Several Geoscience BC energy research projects provide valuable public information that […]
Initial Report Now Available: Carbon Mineralization Potential for BC
Vancouver, BC – November 3, 2020 – An initial report from a minerals research project assessing the potential for rocks in British Columbia to capture and store the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) is now available through the Geoscience BC website. The Carbon Mineralization Potential for BC project assesses the potential for ultramafic rocks in […]
Project Update Webinar: Initial Results from Carbon Mineralization Potential for BC Project: November 3, 2020
Vancouver, BC – October 19, 2020 – Initial results from a minerals research project assessing the potential for rocks in British Columbia to capture and store the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) will be discussed at a Geoscience BC webinar on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 at 10:00 AM Pacific time. Called Carbon Mineralization Potential for […]
Digging Deep: In Pursuit of Porphyries
By: Christa Pellett, Vice President, Minerals and Brady Clift, Manager, Minerals Geoscience BC has funded a series of MDRU-Mineral Deposit Research Unit minerals research projects that identify minerals associated with porphyry deposits in till or bedrock samples at the surface. This research has created new tools for mineral exploration in British Columbia. Learn more! Geoscience […]
Porphyry Indicator Minerals – Webinar & Digging Deep Blog
Vancouver, BC – October 5, 2020 – The latest edition of Geoscience BC’s Digging Deep blog and an October 21 webinar co-hosted with MDRU-Mineral Deposit Research Unit discuss a series of research projects that show the potential to identify buried porphyry deposits from till or bedrock samples near the surface in British Columbia. The series […]
Geoscience BC Quarterly Newsletter – Mineral, energy and water project updates, new partnerships and latest editions of the Digging Deep blog
Vancouver, BC – October 2, 2020 – This quarterly update from Geoscience BC covers the July to September quarter and provides updates on Geoscience BC minerals, energy and water research, new partnerships announced and the latest editions of the Digging Deep blog. View Quarterly Newsletter About Geoscience BC Geoscience BC generates independent, public geoscience research […]