Geoscience BC Issues New Call for Energy Research Proposals
Vancouver, BC – June 12, 2019 – Two requests for energy research proposals call for high quality public earth science projects relating to oil and gas development in British Columbia. Projects resulting from the requests for proposals (RFPs) will play an important role in meeting Geoscience BC’s strategic objective Facilitating Responsible Natural Resource Development. Details […]
Valuable BC Rock Collections Digitized for Access and Preservation
Vancouver, BC – June 11, 2019 – Geoscience BC has launched two new projects that will use advanced technologies to photograph, animate and preserve rock, mineral and fossil collections from important sites across British Columbia. The Below BC Geological Association (Below BC) and the Smithers Exploration Group (SEG) are starting new projects that will catalogue […]
Collaboration Agreement Between Geoscience BC and Tahltan Central Government
Vancouver and Dease Lake, BC – May 31, 2019 – A Collaboration Agreement between the Tahltan Central Government (TCG) and Geoscience BC sets out how the organizations will work together on completed, ongoing and potential future Geoscience BC earth science research in Tahltan Territory in northwestern BC. Under the agreement, the TCG and Geoscience BC […]
New Project Continues Ground Movement Potential Assessment for Fort St. John and Dawson Creek Area
View Presentation from Project Open House Meeting: May 29th, 2019, Dawson Creek Vancouver, BC – May 14, 2019 – Geoscience BC has launched a new project to assess the potential amplification of ground movement associated with earthquakes generated by hydraulic fracturing and fluid injection in an area around Fort St. John and Dawson Creek […]
Geoscience BC Receives $5 Million in Bridge Funding to Continue Minerals, Energy and Water Research
Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Michelle Mungall with Geoscience BC President and CEO Gavin C. Dirom and Executive Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer Carlos Salas Vancouver, BC – May 9, 2019 – Geoscience BC thanks the provincial government for granting $5 million in one-year bridge funding to support earth science research in […]
Geoscience BC Welcomes Brady Clift, P.Geo., Manager, Minerals
Vancouver, BC – May 6, 2019 – Geoscience BC welcomes Brady Clift to the new position of Manager, Minerals today. Brady is a registered professional geologist with a bachelor’s degree in earth science and an advanced diploma in GIS Application. Reporting to Gavin C. Dirom, President & CEO, and providing technical support to Christa […]
Hitting the Right Spot: New Research to Improve Energy Exploration in BC
Vancouver, BC – April 18, 2019 – A new report released by Geoscience BC today summarizes the results of a multi-year research project examining the complex network of tiny fractures and pores that store and transport gas and liquid hydrocarbons in fine-grained sediments, using samples and data from oil and gas production areas in northeastern […]
Geoscience BC quarterly update: New website and VP Minerals, Photo Contest and Project Updates
Vancouver, BC – April 5, 2019 – This quarterly update from Geoscience BC covers January to March 2019, and features information about new public data from research projects that were recently completed, as well as news about the first of the next round of minerals, energy and water research projects that we are excited to […]
Start Snapping! Geoscience BC’s Annual Photo Competition is Now Open!
Vancouver, BC – April 3, 2019 – Geoscience BC has launched its annual photo competition, and is asking everyone working on any Geoscience BC-funded project this summer to share photos that tell a great geoscience research story! Anyone working on a Geoscience BC-funded project is eligible for this contest, including principal investigators, students (including scholarship […]
Geoscience BC Plans Project to Identify Mineral Deposits on Northern Vancouver Island
Vancouver, BC – March 29, 2019 – Geoscience BC has announced that it is planning a new airborne survey to help identify mineral potential on northern Vancouver Island. The airborne survey will use helicopters equipped with sensitive instruments that measure the properties of bedrock to help identify potential mineral deposits across an area including Port […]