New Research to Boost Interest in Historical Kootenay-Boundary District Mining Region

Vancouver, BC – September 27, 2018- A new geological map and data released by Geoscience BC today is the latest in a series of research projects to encourage mineral exploration in the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary in southern British Columbia. The 1:50,000 scale Geology of the Greenwood Map Area (NTS 082E/02), Boundary District, Southern […]

New Report Assesses High-Value Oil Potential in Northeastern British Columbia

Vancouver, BC – September 20, 2018 – A new report published by Geoscience BC today grades potential for high-value light and medium oil at 27 formations in northeastern British Columbia. The area is well known for its natural gas reserves, but little research has been done to identify the potential for accessing lighter oil in […]

Symposium to Show How Geophysics Leads to Discoveries

  September 13, 2018 – A British Columbia Geophysical Society (BCGS) and Geoscience BC symposium will demonstrate the value of geophysics in identifying deposits of natural resources. The British Columbia Geophysical Society (BCGS) Fall Symposium takes place on October 12, 2018. The day-long session will feature experts discussing the crucial role large-scale geophysics plays in […]

Geoscience BC at UBCM 2018

  September 13, 2018 – Independent public geoscience data can help communities in British Columbia to attract investment and make informed decisions about minerals, energy (oil & gas; geothermal) and water resources. At the 2018 UBCM Convention, you can see how your community can use public geoscience, and show your support for independent scientific research. […]

H2S Mapping Project to Bring Safer, Lower Cost Natural Gas Production to Northeastern BC

Vancouver, BC – September 6, 2018 -A new Geoscience BC-funded project in northeastern British Columbia to map and predict ‘sour gas’- natural gas which can contain harmful and/or dangerous concentrations of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) – aims to improve safety and reduce the cost of natural gas operations. Called Distribution, origin, and implications of hydrogen sulphide […]

New Research Projects Set to Enhance Mine Site Reclamation

Vancouver, BC – August 22, 2018 – Geoscience BC is funding two new research projects to improve mine site restoration in partnership with a new federally-funded Chair in Ecosystem Reclamation at Thompson Rivers University (TRU). TRU and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) announced that Dr. Lauchlan Fraser will be the […]

BC Economic Atlas gets a boost with addition of Geoscience BC data

Vancouver, BC – July 26, 2018 – Unbiased, public data from Geoscience BC can now be accessed through the Province of British Columbia’s BC Economic Atlas online mapping tool, adding another convenient way to acquire earth science data important for natural resource decisions. This news means that the location of data from more than 180 […]

Geoscience BC calls for project proposals to generate new minerals research and data

Vancouver, BC – July 5, 2018 – Six Requests for Proposals (RFPs) released today by Geoscience BC will create mineral resource projects that will generate new high quality and unbiased earth science research and data to be shared publicly for the benefit of all British Columbians. Projects resulting from the RFPs will deliver new earth […]

Geoscience BC quarterly update: Strategic plan, final Peace report and more

Vancouver, BC – July 5, 2018 – Geoscience BC’s latest quarterly update includes details on our new strategic plan, final Peace Project report and a series of project updates. Click here to view the latest edition    Click here to subscribe for news updates   About Geoscience BC Geoscience BC is an independent, non-profit organization that […]

Improved geochemistry data – Practicum student improves access to geochemistry data on the Earth Science Viewer

June 26, 2018 – A new compilation of every Geoscience BC geochemistry sample ever collected or reanalyzed is now available on the Earth Science Viewer online mapping application, providing easy access and analytical results for more than 60000 samples. The upgrade is the result of several months of back-end work, it and provides a comprehensive […]
