From gold pans to iPads: using tech to identify mineral potential in old gold country
Cranbrook, BC – November 9, 2017 – New Geoscience BC funded work presented at East Kootenay Chamber of Mines’ Minerals South conference yesterday shows how traditional rock hammers and modern-day iPads are being used together to locate the source of some of BC’s most famous gold deposits. Funded by Geoscience BC, earth scientists from the […]
Fort Nelson First Nation and Geoscience BC agreement keeps water data flowing
Fort Nelson, BC – November 8, 2017 – Fort Nelson First Nation (FNFN) and Geoscience BC have signed a new agreement which will see FNFN take over four hydrometric water monitoring stations in its territory. FNFN will use the stations at D’Easum Creek, Dilly Creek, Kiwigana River and Sahtaneh Creek to monitor water flow as […]
Data sharing project highlights geothermal potential for southern BC
Mount Meager, southern BC – November 3, 2017 – A new Geoscience BC project to share historical data about geothermal heat and power potential at Mount Meager has been released today. The information, which is available on the Geoscience BC website can be used by First Nations leaders, experts, governments and others to better […]
Tiny gold grains could hold key to copper deposit ‘DNA’
Vancouver, BC – November 2, 2017 – An innovative technique to analyze gold grains finer than a human hair — and even smaller minerals trapped inside them — with a probing instrument and scanning electron microscope could help to find new copper deposits, according to new results from research funded by Geoscience BC. Tiny grains […]
New TREK dataset uncovers rock structures and mineral potential in central BC
-New data will be presented at joint Geoscience BC and MDRU workshop on October 17th Vancouver, BC – October 11, 2017 Geoscience BC-supported researchers have ‘stitched’ together gravity maps to deliver the latest geological and geophysical information to decision-makers involved with resource development in Central British Columbia, identifying buried structures that may be host to […]
Drone-Mounted NASA/JPL Optical Technology Maps Canadian Greenhouse Gas Emissions
-Launch of GHGMap BC-based environmental innovation Sept. 28th at Vancouver Convention Centre- Images are in a special Flickr folder Vancouver, BC — September 28th, 2017 — Geoscience BC is launching its groundbreaking greenhouse gas (GHGMap) project which uses a miniature, cutting-edge optical instrument developed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) mounted on a drone to […]
How fast, reliable water samples can help mineral exploration
Nazko, BC – September 13, 2017 – New project results from Geoscience BC today show how using portable devices for testing streams can provide fast and accurate water analyses and define an area’s mineral exploration potential. Project lead Ron Yehia said: “It’s much easier to conduct research and analysis when you are getting same or […]
New minerals information for Central BC: Latest TREK maps and interactive workshop
Vancouver, BC – August 17, 2017 – New maps from Geoscience BC’s Targeting Resources for Exploration and Knowledge (TREK) projects have been released, providing the latest geological and geophysical information for decision-makers involved with resource development in Central British Columbia. A day-long technical workshop, also available online, will explore the new products at UBC Robson […]
Are you an expert? Geoscience BC committee nominations
Vancouver, BC – August 16, 2017 – Geoscience BC is seeking volunteers for an expanded Minerals and Mining Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The organization is growing from its roots in supporting the discovery of mineral deposits to including mine development and reclamation: the full lifecycle of a mine cycle. Geoscience BC’s TACs are a valued […]
Research results show how snow, soil and trees can detect mineral deposits under ground
Vancouver, BC – August 9, 2017 – A research project funded by Geoscience BC has developed new techniques that use snow, soil and trees to identify buried mineral deposits and has resulted in new laboratory techniques. The new made-in-BC analytical methods measure the concentration of the halogen elements fluorine, bromine, chlorine and iodine in samples […]