New Geoscience BC research suggests more recent formation of gold deposits at BC’s most productive gold camp
Gold Bridge, BC – July 26, 2017 – New research released today shows that gold deposits in the Bridge River area west of Lillooet formed later than previously thought. A new report entitled Constraints on the Metallogeny and Geochronology of the Bridge River Gold District and Associated Intrusions, Southwestern British Columbia, describes how the project […]
New project results provide expert knowledge about Kootenay-Boundary mineral potential
New geological mapping available for Penticton map sheet New paper interprets low-angle faulting near the world-class Sullivan zinc, lead and silver deposit. Kootenay-Boundary Region, BC – July 14, 2017 – New results of projects funded by Geoscience BC provide valuable information on potential precious and base mineral deposits in an area between Penticton and the […]
Geoscience BC — Valuable New Data Now Available
VANCOUVER, BC — July 6, 2017- Geoscience BC has posted valuable new earth science information and updates for nine of its minerals & mining, oil & gas and geothermal projects. The projects provide open data to guide resource management decisions by First Nations, local communities, governments and the resource sector. Minerals and Mining Projects 2016-001 […]
Geoscience BC Announces 2017 Scholarship Winners
VANCOUVER, BC — June 20, 2017 – Geoscience BC today announced that seven outstanding post-graduate students have been selected to receive 2017 Geoscience BC Scholarship Awards granted as part of the earth science research organization’s commitment to support the next generation of geoscientists. The scholarships, valued at $5,000 each, are awarded each year to post-graduate […]
Latest Geoscience BC project to reveal geology of north central and northeastern BC
VANCOUVER, BC — May 19, 2017 — Geoscience BC today announced its latest aerial survey to identify hidden mineral potential in north central and northeastern British Columbia. Called Search Phase III, the survey will use helicopters fitted with magnetic sensors to build a better understanding of geology in the area. Once complete, project information will […]
New Method for Cleaning Coal Could Help Determine Economic Viability of Coal Projects
VANCOUVER, BC — May 2, 2017 — A new method for cleaning metallurgical coal to verify coal quality for coke making could replace a widely-used chemical-based process leading to a more accurate assessment of the economic viability of coal projects. This month, the Canadian Carbonization Research Association (CCRA) and Geoscience BC will launch a research […]
Direct-use Geothermal Resources In BC: Engagement and Education Report
February 28, 2017 – Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of a new report highlighting additional educational and community engagement work undertaken following the release of the Direct-Use Geothermal Roadmap in June 2016 (Geoscience BC Report 2016-07). The original report contained practical guidelines for communities on geothermal surface exploration, land acquisition and permitting, […]
Geoscience BC releases survey results indicating potential for new copper, silver, and molybdenum in west-central B.C.
Results of Canada’s largest airborne survey will stimulate mineral exploration in B.C. Vancouver, BC – January 24, 2017 – Geoscience BC is excited to announce that the results from its Search Phase II Project — the largest geophysical survey conducted in Canada in 2016 — indicate the potential for new copper, silver, and molybdenum deposits […]
Geoscience BC to release results from largest airborne geophysical survey indicating potential for new copper, silver, molybdenum in west-central B.C.
January 23, 2017 – **Media Advisory** Geoscience BC to release results from largest airborne geophysical survey indicating potential for new copper, silver, molybdenum in west-central B.C. Who: Honourable Bill Bennett, Minister of Energy and Mines and Minister Responsible for Core Review Robin Archdekin, President and CEO, Geoscience BC Bruce Madu, Vice President, Minerals and Mining, […]
Geoscience BC Releases Two Reports at Mineral Exploration Roundup
January 23, 2017 – Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of the following reports: Report 2017-01: Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2016 Report 2017-04: 2016 Regional Geochemical Survey Sample Reanalysis Project Both reports are now available for download through Geoscience BC’s website at A brief description of each report is provided below. […]