New Bedrock Geology Maps for Explorers in British Columbia

September 21, 2016 – Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of two new bedrock geology maps, which consist of integrated geological maps supporting mineral exploration in southern and central British Columbia: Report 2016-08: Geology of the Almond Mountain Map Sheet (NTS 082E/07) Report 2016-12: Distribution and Nature of the Eocene Ootsa Lake Group […]

Geoscience BC Launches Largest Airborne Magnetic Survey in its History

Search Phase II will map area in west-central BC three-quarters the size of Vancouver Island Vancouver, BC — July 27, 2016 — Geoscience BC today announced the launch of its largest airborne magnetic survey to date — the Search Phase II survey which will produce high-resolution maps used to identify hidden mineral potential in west-central […]

Geoscience BC Announces 2016 Scholarship Winners

Vancouver, BC – July 11, 2016 – Geoscience BC today announced that ten outstanding post-graduate students have been selected to receive 2016 Geoscience BC Scholarship Awards granted as part of the earth science research organization’s commitment to support the next generation of geoscientists. The scholarships, valued at $5,000 each, are awarded each year to post-graduate […]

Geoscience BC Releases Comprehensive Guide for BC Communities on Development of Direct-Use Geothermal

Vancouver, BC — June 27, 2016 — Geoscience BC today released its Direct-Use Geothermal Roadmap, a comprehensive guide for communities and businesses to help them evaluate and develop local geothermal energy projects to stimulate economic development and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. “Direct-use geothermal energy resources are significantly underutilized in BC,” said Carlos Salas, Vice President, […]

Geoscience BC receives $5 million in new funding from BC government for mineral, water and energy earth science

Geoscience BC to launch its largest airborne magnetic survey this summer in west-central BC Vancouver, BC — May 18, 2016 — Geoscience BC commended the provincial government for its commitment of $5 million in new funding to support mineral, water and energy earth science in British Columbia, which was announced earlier today. “We sincerely appreciate […]

2016 Geoscience BC Scholarship Program is Now Open for Applications

April 19, 2016 – Geoscience BC today announced that it is now accepting applications for its 2016 scholarship program through to May 25, 2016. Geoscience BC will award up to up to ten scholarships of $5,000 CAD each to qualified students who have registered and started in a Masters (MSc) or Doctorate (PhD) program in […]

Tree-Top Sampling Program May Help Uncover New Mineral Deposits in B.C.- Geoscience BC is looking at whether concentrations of trace amounts of metals found in trees could lead prospectors to the next big mineral discovery

April 11, 2016 – British Columbia’s trees may hold the key to finding new mineral deposits in the province. Geoscience BC is releasing the results of an innovative tree-top sampling program led by Noble Exploration Services Ltd. The study looked at whether trace amounts of metals found in spruce trees could lead prospectors to the […]

Geoscience BC Releases First Data Reports on Groundwater Aquifers in the Peace Region

  April 6, 2016 – Geoscience BC today released the first two data reports on groundwater resources in the Peace Region of British Columbia, which will significantly improve understanding of the location of shallow saline and non-saline aquifers in the area. The SkyTEM Survey Report provides digital data from an airborne electromagnetic survey, which will […]

Geoscience BC Releases Report 2016-1: Summary of Activities 2015

February 2, 2016 – Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2015, Report 2016-1. This annual technical publication includes 22 papers which highlight the work of new and ongoing Geoscience BC projects, and the research from Geoscience BC’s most recent scholarship winners. The entire volume is available online, […]

Airborne Survey Unlocks Resource Potential – West-Central British Columbia

January 26, 2016 – New data released today from the first phase of Geoscience BC’s $2.415 million Search Project will help exploration companies operating in west-central British Columbia unlock the resource potential hidden below the region’s surface. The release of Geoscience BC’s earth science data leads to increased interest in mineral exploration. The data will […]
