Geoscience BC Releases New TREK Geochemical Results
May 28, 2015 – Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of Geoscience BC Report 2015-09, “Geochemical Reanalysis of Archived Till Samples, TREK Project, Interior Plateau, central BC (parts of NTS 093C, 093B, 093F & 093K).” Short for Targeting Resources through Exploration and Knowledge, TREK is Geoscience BC’s current regional project focused on BC’s […]
Geoscience BC Seeks Project Manager
April 16, 2015 – Geoscience BC is seeking a full-time Project Manager for a 15-month contract position commencing July 2015. Reporting to the Vice President, Energy, the Project Manager is responsible for developing mineral and energy project agreements, communicating with project proponents, maintaining up-to-date project records and producing Geoscience BC’s annual Summary of Activities volume. […]
Geoscience BC Releases Two Reports at KEG 2015: Maximizing Value from Public Datasets
April 14, 2015 – Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of two reports during the Kamloops Exploration Group Conference. Both reports add value to publicly available data, by making some data more usable for exploration programs on Northern Vancouver Island and in west-central BC: Report 2015-04: Catchment Analysis Applied to the Interpretation of […]
2015 Geoscience BC Scholarship Awards
March 17, 2015 – Geoscience BC is pleased to announce that up to ten scholarships of $5000.00 CAD each will be awarded in June 2015. Students who have registered and started in a Masters (MSc) or Doctorate (PhD) program in earth science or geoscience and working on a British Columbia-based mineral, oil and gas, coal […]
Geoscience BC Releases First Results from Water Disposal Study in Northeast B.C.
March 4, 2015 – Responsible development of natural gas in northeast B.C.’s Montney Play requires large volumes of water to be disposed of and stored in a safe and sustainable manner. To ensure no contamination of drinking water, these produced waters must be injected into deep saline aquifers known as disposal zones. To address this […]
New Project Will Help Protect Groundwater in B.C.’s Peace Region
March 3, 2015 – With its project partners, Geoscience BC is pleased to announce its new Peace Project. The Peace Project represents a collaborative effort that will generate new information about groundwater in northeast BC’s Peace Region. Peace Project partners include the BC Oil and Gas Commission, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers through the […]
Geoscience BC Launches New Earth Science Viewer
February 16, 2015 – Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the launch of the beta version of its new Earth Science Viewer. The Earth Science Viewer will allow everyone to view Geoscience BC data from their personal computer or mobile device without the need for extra software. The viewer is a web-based mapper that consolidates […]
Geoscience BC Releases Report That Finds Tree Sap Could Help Uncover Buried Mineralization
February 16, 2015 – Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of Report 2015-02, “Investigation of Tree Sap as a Sample Medium for Regional Geochemical Exploration in Glacial Sediment Covered Terrains: A Case History from the Endako area, North-Central BC.” This report is now available for download at Geoscience BC Report 2015-02: Investigation […]
Geoscience BC Awards Geothermal Contract to Kerr Wood Leidal
February 10, 2015 – Geoscience BC is pleased to announce that Kerr Wood Leidal (KWL), with their sub-consultant GeothermEx, has been awarded the contract to carry out an assessment of the economic viability of geothermal energy for electrical power generation in British Columbia. This study will give insights as to whether or not geothermal electricity […]
Geoscience BC Releases Report 2015-1: Summary of Activities 2014
January 26, 2015 – Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2015, Report 2016-1. This annual technical publication includes 22 papers which highlight the work of new and ongoing Geoscience BC projects and Geoscience BC’s most recent scholarship winners. The entire volume is accessible online, together with previous […]