Geoscience BC at the Mineral Exploration Roundup 2015
January 26, 2015 – Geoscience BC is at AME BC’s Mineral Exploration Roundup this week, from January 26th through 29th at the Vancouver Convention Centre East. Here are a few places where you can see what we’re up to: Poster Session Monday, January 26th through Thursday, January 29th, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm daily Geoscience […]
Seismologist Hired to Study Induced Seismicity in Northeast B.C.
January 21, 2015 – On behalf of the Induced Seismicity Monitoring Network Consortium (“the Consortium”), Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the hiring of Dr. Alireza Babaie Mahani as project seismologist for a two-year assignment. The Consortium is comprised of five project partners: Geoscience BC, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), […]
Geoscience BC releases 3D Earth modelling project results to help target resource exploration
November 10, 2014 – In our ongoing efforts to better understand what lies beneath our feet, Geoscience BC is pleased to release Geoscience BC Report 2014-12, “Geologically-Constrained Gravity and Magnetic Earth Modelling of the Nechako-Chilcotin Plateau, British Columbia, Canada.” The work, conducted by Mira Geoscience Ltd., was undertaken to achieve a better geological understanding of […]
Geoscience BC Releases New TREK Project Results
October 15, 2014 – Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of Geoscience BC Report 2014-11 “Geochemical Expession in Soil and Water of Carbon Dioxide Seepages near the Nazko Volcanic Cone, Interior Plateau, central BC, NTS 93B/13.” The report can now be accessed through Geoscience BC’s website at About Geoscience BC Report 2014-11 […]
Geoscience BC and BC Geological Survey release new surficial geology maps for central BC
September 17, 2014 – Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of Geoscience BC Report 2014-09 / BCGS Geoscience Maps 2014-01 & -02 “Surficial geology of the Nadina River and Colleymount map areas (NTS 093E/15 and 093L/01), British Columbia”. The report can now be accessed through Geoscience BC’s website at About Geoscience BC […]
Geoscience BC Announces the 2014 Scholarship Winners
July 18, 2014- Geoscience BC is pleased to announce seven recipients of 2014 Geoscience BC Scholarship Awards. The scholarships, valued at $5,000 each, are awarded to post-graduate students working on thesis topics relevant to supporting mineral or oil & gas exploration and development in British Columbia. Since 2007, Geoscience BC has awarded a total of […]
Geoscience BC Releases First Geochemical Results from TREK Project
June 10, 2014 – Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of Geoscience BC Report 2014-10, “Regional Geochemical and Mineralogical Data, TREK Project, Interior Plateau, British Columbia.” This report contains the first geochemical results from the TREK project. Short for Targeting Resources through Exploration and Knowledge, TREK is Geoscience BC’s newest regional project focused […]
Geoscience BC Announces Bruce Madu as Vice President, Minerals & Mining
May 28, 2014 – Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the appointment of Bruce Madu as Vice President, Minerals & Mining. Bruce will provide minerals and mining-related scientific and technical leadership to Geoscience BC and direct new and existing Geoscience BC initiatives related to the exploration and development of mineral resources in British Columbia. He […]
Geoscience BC Receives a $3 Million Commitment for Public Geoscience in BC
May 22, 2014 – Geoscience BC today thanks the provincial government for its commitment of $3 million in new funding to support mineral and energy geoscience in British Columbia, which was announced earlier this morning. “We’re very pleased to make this contribution to Geoscience BC and continue our support of the great work the organization […]
Geoscience BC Releases Two Reports at KEG
April 8, 2014 – Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of the following two reports: Report 2014-06: Basal Till Potential Maps for the Interior Plateau, TREK Project, British Columbia (NTS 093B/12 & 13, 093C/09 & 16, 093F/01 & 08, 093G/04, 05, 12 & 13) Report 2014-08: Geology of the Mount Polley Intrusive Complex […]