Geoscience BC Announces Collaborative Regional Seismic Program

September 6, 2012 – Geoscience BC, the BC Oil and Gas Commission, Natural Resources Canada and the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers have partnered to launch a five-year $1 million collaborative geoscience program to study seismicity in northeast British Columbia. Geoscience BC and the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers will equally share the program costs, […]

Geoscience BC Releases Report 2012-14: Modelling and investigation of airborne electromagnetic data, and reprocessing of vibroseis data, from Nechako Basin, B.C., guided by magnetotelluric results

August 29, 2012 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of Geoscience BC Report 2012-14 “Modelling and investigation of airborne electromagnetic data, and reprocessing of vibroseis data, from Nechako Basin, B.C., guided by magnetotelluric results”. The report is now available for download through Geoscience BC’s website at Geoscience BC Report 2012-14 (J. Spratt, […]

Geoscience BC Releases Report 2012-13: Subsurface structure of the eastern Nechako Basin from coincident three-dimensional tomographic velocity and reflection data

August 22, 2012 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of Geoscience BC Report 2012-13 “Subsurface structure of the eastern Nechako Basin from coincident three-dimensional tomographic velocity and reflection data”. The report is now available for download through Geoscience BC’s website at Geoscience BC Report 2012-13: Subsurface structure of the eastern Nechako Basin […]

Geoscience BC Northern Vancouver Island Exploration Geoscience Project Update

August 13, 2012 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce that Geo Data Solutions GDS Inc. has been selected to fly the airborne magnetic survey for the 2012 Northern Vancouver Island (NVI) Exploration Geoscience Project (red outline on map below). The survey will be flown along northeast-southwest lines spaced 250 m apart. The survey is expected […]

“Mining – What’s It All About?” — Free Short Course on August 28-29, 2012, Campbell River, BC

August 1, 2012 -Geoscience BC is pleased to present a free short course on August 28-29, 2012 in Campbell River titled, “Mining — What’s It All About?”. This free, interactive two-day workshop gives First Nation communities a look into modern mineral exploration and mining. It is being presented and sponsored in collaboration with Island Coastal […]

Geoscience BC QUEST-Northwest Project Update

July 25, 2012 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce that Geo Data Solutions GDS Inc. has been selected to fly the 2012 QUEST-Northwest airborne magnetic survey south of Iskut, British Columbia (Block 3 shown on map below). The survey specifications will be similar to two Geoscience BC surveys flown in the area in 2011, with […]

Geoscience BC and Island Coastal Economic Trust Announce the Northern Vancouver Island Exploration Geoscience Project

Click here to download a PDF of this news release July 11, 2012 -Geoscience BC and the Island Coastal Economic Trust (ICET) are pleased to announce the funding of the Northern Vancouver Island (NVI) Exploration Geoscience Project. Geoscience BC’s Board has approved $530,000 for project activities, which is being matched by $400,000 from ICET, for […]

Geoscience BC Awards Seven Post-Graduate Scholarships

June 28, 2012 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2012 Geoscience BC Scholarship Award in Applied Geoscience. The scholarships, valued at $5000 each, are awarded to deserving post-graduate students working on a mineral or oil & gas thesis topic directly relevant to exploration or development in British Columbia. The students were […]

QUEST-Northwest Project Activities 2012

June 28, 2012 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce plans for a new airborne magnetic survey in the QUEST-Northwest project area. The QUEST-Northwest Project, originally launched in 2011, is designed to stimulate new mineral exploration activity in northwest British Columbia, and to enhance the success of existing exploration activities in the region. The 2011 program […]

Geoscience BC Releases Report 2012-11: Till Geochemistry and Clast Lithology Studies of the Bulkley River Valley, West-Central British Columbia

June 20, 2012 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of Geoscience BC Report 2012-11 “Till Geochemistry and Clast Lithology Studies of the Bulkley River Valley, West-Central British Columbia (NTS 093L)”. The report is now available for download through Geoscience BC’s website at About Geoscience BC Report 2012-11 This report delivers till geochemical […]
