Geoscience BC Awards Eight Post-Graduate Scholarships

August 3, 2011 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2011 Geoscience BC Scholarship Award in Applied Geoscience. The scholarships, valued at $5000 each, are awarded to deserving post-graduate students working on a mineral or oil & gas thesis topic directly relevant to exploration in British Columbia. The students were evaluated on […]

Exploration Undercover; a practical example using the QUEST study area

This event took place in 2011 July 26, 2011, Geoscience BC and the BC Geophysical Society would like to draw your attention to an upcoming workshop “Exploration Undercover; a practical example using the QUEST study area”. The workshop will be held on Oct 12-14th in downtown Vancouver. This workshop is being organized in response to […]

Geoscience BC QUEST-Northwest Project Update

July 20, 2011 -Geoscience BC is pleased to report that the QUEST-Northwest Project is underway. The QUEST-Northwest Project is a geoscience initiative designed by Geoscience BC to stimulate new mineral exploration activity in the northwest part of the Province, and to enhance the success of existing exploration activities in the region. It consists of three […]

New Hydrologic Modelling to Assist with Water Allocation Decisions

Click here to view the BC Oil and Gas Commission and Geoscience BC news release in PDF format July 14, 2011 – VICTORIA — The BC Oil and Gas Commission (Commission) and Geoscience BC are partnering on a hydrologic modelling project that will provide water allocation decision support for oil and gas activities in B.C. […]

Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences Special Issue on “New Insights in Cordilleran Intermontane Geoscience: Reducing Exploration Risk in the Mountain Pine Beetle-Affected Area of British Columbia”

July 11, 2011 -The June issue of Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences is a Special Issue which presents a summary of geoscience research and investigations arising from multi-agency funding designed to address the negative economic impacts of the current mountain pine beetle infestation. The infestation was most intense within British Columbia’s southern Intermontane region and […]

Montney Water Project Update – Publicly Available Data

June 16, 2011 -Geoscience BC, in partnership with seven natural gas producers, the Government of British Columbia and the Science and Community Environmental Knowledge (SCEK) Fund, is pleased to provide an update on work completed to-date as part of the collaborative Montney Water Project. A table listing the data sets and reports that are publicly […]

Geoscience BC Receives a $12 Million Commitment for Public Geoscience in BC

May 10, 2011 -Geoscience BC today thanks the provincial government for its commitment of $12 million in new funding to support mineral and energy geoscience in British Columbia, which was announced last night at the BC Mining Week Opening Reception in Vancouver. “This investment will allow Geoscience BC to continue delivering programs aimed at stimulating […]

Geoscience BC Announces QUEST-Northwest Project

April 28, 2011 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the launch of the $ 3 million QUEST-Northwest Project today at the Minerals North meeting in Stewart, British Columbia. QUEST-Northwest builds on Geoscience BC’s successful QUEST series of projects (QUEST, QUEST-West and QUEST-South) which have combined regional geochemical and airborne geophysical surveys to stimulate new mineral […]

Geoscience BC Announces Airborne Electromagnetic Survey in the Horn River Basin

April 21, 2011 -Geoscience BC, in partnership with the Horn River Basin Producers Group, is pleased to announce the launch of an Airborne Electromagnetic Survey research project over four test blocks in the Horn River Basin. Through a Request for Proposals process, SkyTEM Surveys ApS was selected to undertake this project on behalf of Geoscience […]

Geoscience BC Releases Reports 2011-5 and 2011-9

April 18, 2011 – Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of the following two reports: Report 2011-5 “Catchment analysis and interpretation of stream sediment data from QUEST-South, British Columbia” by D.C. Arne and E.B. Bluemel of ioGlobal Solutions Inc., and Report 2011-9 “Till geochemistry of the Colleymount map area (093L/01), west-central British Columbia” […]
