Upcoming Talk – Dr. Dan Marshall (2009-10 GAC Howard Street Robinson Lecturer)

November 17, 2010 -Geoscience BC and the Mineral Deposit Research Unit are pleased to co-sponsor a talk by Dr. Dan Marshall, the 2009-10 GAC Howard Street Robinson Lecturer. Dr. Dan Marshall “Melt inclusions of native-silver and native-bismuth at Cobalt, Ontario: An example of native-metal enrichments in five-element deposits”Thursday, November 25, 2010 3:30-4:30 pm Room 7000 […]

Geoscience BC Announces Porphyry Integration Project

October 18, 2010-Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the launch of our Porphyry Integration Project. Building on existing data and research collected through Geoscience BC’s QUEST Projects (QUEST, QUEST-West and QUEST-South), the project will incorporate the results of many Geoscience BC-funded projects into an integrated model for porphyry system discovery in British Columbia. The Porphyry […]

Geoscience BC Announces Montney Water Project

Fort St. John (October 14, 2010): Geoscience BC, in partnership with seven natural gas producers and the Government of British Columbia, is pleased to announce today at the BC Energy Conference the launch of the $950,000 Phase 1 Montney Water Project to create a comprehensive data baseline of water resources in the Montney Shale Gas […]

Geoscience BC Releases Report 2010-14: Relative Drift Thickness Map, North-Central BC (93G, 93H/w, & 93J/s)

Note: GBC Report 2010-14: Geoscience BC Report 2010-14: “Relative Drift Thickness Map, North-Central BC (93G, 93H/w, & 93J/s)” was updated on September 22, 2010 September 21, 2010- Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of Geoscience BC Report 2010-14: “Relative Drift Thickness Map, North-Central BC (93G, 93H/w, & 93J/s).” The map shows relative drift […]

Geoscience BC to Release Report 2010-14 on September 21 at 10 am (Pacific)

September 16, 2010 -Geoscience BC will be releasing Geoscience BC Report 2010-14 “Relative Drift Thickness Map, North-Central BC (93G, 93H/w, & 93J/s)” on September 21st at 10 am Pacific Time. The map shows relative drift thickness in north-central BC, covering NTS mapsheets 93G, 93H/w and 93J/s. Constructed from previous mapping and recent field-checking, the map […]

Geoscience BC Releases New Geochemical Data for B.C.’s Southern Interior

Click here to access new QUEST-South geochemical data August 11,2010 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of new geochemical results from the QUEST-South Project. Data released today includes almost 1000 new samples from regional stream-based and basal till geochemical surveys conducted in the Merritt area in 2009. Geoscience BC’s QUEST-South Project, which is […]

Geoscience BC to Release QUEST-South Geochemical Data on August 11 at 12pm (Pacific)

August 6, 2010 – Geoscience BC is pleased to announce that the results of the 2009 QUEST-South infill geochemical surveys will be released as Geoscience BC Report 2010-13 on August 11th at 12 pm Pacific Time. The report contains the QUEST-South infill stream-based and basal till geochemical results, and parts of the package incorporate data […]

Geoscience BC Awards Nine Post-Graduate Scholarships

July 20, 2010- Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2010 Geoscience BC Scholarship Awards. The scholarships, valued at $5000 each, are awarded to deserving post-graduate students working on a mineral or oil & gas thesis topic directly relevant to exploration in British Columbia. “The mineral and oil and gas exploration industries […]

Horn River Basin Subsurface Aquifer Project — Early Public Release of Phase I Data

Fort Nelson, British Columbia (April 30, 2010): Geoscience BC is pleased to announce, in partnership with the Horn River Basin Shale Gas Producers Group and the B.C. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, the early public release of Phase I Data of the Horn River Basin Subsurface Aquifer Project. “The Horn River Basin is […]

New till geochemistry dataset for the Nadina River Map Area

April 26, 2010 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of Geoscience BC Report 2010-10 / BCGS Open File 2010-07 “Till Geochemistry of the Nadina River Map Area (093E/15), West-Central British Columbia” by T. Ferbey. Report Description The silt plus clay-sized fraction of 79 basal till samples collected within the Nadina River map area […]
