Geoscience BC Highlights Upcoming Presentations and Workshops in Vancouver
April 23, 2010 -Geoscience BC is pleased to highlight the following upcoming presentations and workshops: Applied Economic Geochemistry – from Greenfields to Production – Friday, April 30, 2010 at 3:30 pm Economic Geology for Geophysicists – Thursday, May 6, 2010 Final Reminder: Cordilleran Metallogeny – Porphyry Settings Workshop and Field Trip – Tuesday April 27, […]
Geoscience BC Releases Report 2010-08; Report 2010-10 delayed until Monday April 26 at 10 am
April 22, 2010-Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of Geoscience BC Report 2010-08 “An Assessment of Soil Geochemical Methods for Detecting Copper-Gold Porphyry Mineralization through Quaternary Glaciofluvial Sediments at the WBX-MBX and 66 Zones, Mt. Milligan, North-Central British Columbia” by D.R. Heberlein. Geoscience BC Report 2010-10 / BCGS Open File 2010-07 “Till Geochemistry […]
Geoscience BC Releases Reports 2010-7 and 2010-9
April 6, 2010- Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of Geoscience BC Report 2010-7-1 “Geology of the Deer Park Map Sheet (NTS 82E/08)” and Geoscience BC Report 2010-9 “QUEST Project Compilation.” Both products are now available for viewing at Geoscience BC’s booth at the Kamloops Exploration Group conference. Geoscience BC Report 2010-7-1 is […]
Cordilleran Metallogeny: Porphyry Settings
March 22, 2010 -On behalf of the Cordilleran Section of GAC, you are invited to the second annual Cordilleran Metallogeny Workshop: Cordilleran Metallogeny: Porphyry SettingsTuesday, April 27, 2010 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Vancouver Convention Centre Downtown Vancouver Download the workshop brochure Mark April 27th in your calendar. The GAC-Cordilleran Section invites you to its […]
TGI3 Workshop: Public Geoscience in Support of Base Metal Exploration
March 11, 2010 -On behalf of the Cordilleran Section of GAC, you are invited to participate in a free workshop of the Federal Targeted Geoscience Initiative Program 3 (TGI3): TGI3 Workshop: Public Geoscience in Support of Base Metal ExplorationMonday, March 22, 2010 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Segal Graduate School of Business, Simon Fraser University […]
Geoscience BC at PDAC: Data for Discovery Session
March 2, 2010 -Geoscience BC is pleased to issue this invitation to our afternoon presentation session at the upcoming Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) conference in Toronto. Join us to learn about exploration opportunities in British Columbia as a result of new geoscience data and research from Geoscience BC and partners. Data for […]
2010 Geoscience BC Scholarship Awards
February 24, 2010 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce that ten scholarships in the amount of $5000.00(CAD) each will be awarded once again in May 2010. Students registered in a Masters (MSc) or Doctorate (PhD) program in earth science or geoscience, and working on a mineral or oil and gas exploration-related thesis topic in British […]
Geoscience BC Releases Report 2011-1: Summary of Activities 2010
January 26, 2010 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2010, Report 2011-1. This annual technical publication includes twenty-five papers which highlight the work of current Geoscience BC projects. The entire volume is accessible online from the Summary of Activities section of Geoscience BC’s website, and limited print […]
Bedrock Geology of the QUEST map area, central British Columbia
Geoscience BC Report 2010-5 British Columbia Geological Survey Geoscience Map 2010-1 Geological Survey of Canada Open File 6476 by J.M. Logan, P. Schiarizza, L.C. Struik, C. Barnett, J.L. Nelson, P. Kowalczyk, F. Ferri, M.G. Mihalynuk, M.D. Thomas, P. Gammon, R. Lett, W. Jackaman and T. Ferbey January 18, 2010 -Geoscience BC, the British Columbia Geological […]
First Results from Geoscience B.C.’s $2.5 million QUEST-South Project Expected to Stimulate New Mineral Exploration Activity in South Central B.C.
Click here to access new QUEST-South data Vancouver BC — January 18, 2010 — Geoscience BC today released the initial results from the QUEST-South Project today at the Mineral Exploration Roundup Conference in Vancouver, B.C. Data released includes the largest airborne gravity survey of south-central B.C. conducted by the organization, covering 45,000 square kilometres, and […]