Upcoming Geoscience BC Events – Data Release and GBC Research Review Day

Upcoming Geoscience BC Data Release — Sept 16th, 2009 Geoscience BC (GBC) will be releasing GBC Report 2009-15 “QUEST Project: 3D inversion modeling, integration, and visualization of airborne gravity, magnetic, and electromagnetic data, BC, Canada” on Wednesday September 16 at 10 am (Pacific). The report and data will be made available both through GBC’s website […]

Geoscience BC to Release Two Reports on September 16 at 10 am

September 15, 2009- Geoscience BC will be releasing Geoscience BC Report 2009-14 “An Investigation Using SiroSOM for the Analysis of QUEST Stream-Sediment and Lake-Sediment Geochemical Data” on Wednesday September 16 at 10 am (Pacific). The report and data will be made available through Geoscience BC’s website. Report Summary: CSIRO Exploration & Mining has used a […]

Geoscience BC Announces QUEST-South Airborne Gravity Survey

August 28, 2009-Kamloops, British Columbia — Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the launch of an airborne gravity survey in the southern interior of British Columbia. This $2 Million airborne gravity survey, to be carried out by Sander Geophysics Ltd., will cover approximately 45,000 square kilometers and extend from Williams Lake to the US Border […]

Explore QUEST Project Geochemistry in Google Earth!

July 30, 2009- Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of Geoscience BC Report 2009-8: Geoscience BC Data Explorer, a Google-Earth-based Query tool for the exploration of the QUEST project geochemical data recently reanalysed by Geoscience BC. This project was developed by Will Cadell of Timberline Natural Resource Group and Geoff Mulligan of Golder […]

Geoscience BC News: New GIS Specialist and GeoGRAFX Short Course featuring QUEST-West Datasets

July 9, 2009-Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the addition of Fion Ma as GIS Specialist Fion Ma has joined the Geoscience BC team as our GIS specialist. Fion will provide cartographic and GIS expertise to GBC’s current projects, and assist in the design and development of new projects. She will also be responsible for […]

New Seismic Reflection Data for the Nechako Basin, British Columbia

June 17, 2009- Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of new seismic reflection data for the northern Nechako Basin west of Quesnel, British Columbia. This $2.5 million survey, completed in 2008, acquired 330 line-kilometers of new seismic reflection data that will assist in determining the hydrocarbon potential of central British Columbia. “These new […]

Geoscience BC Announces Scholarship Winners for 2009

June 8, 2009- Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the awarding of nine graduate scholarships for $5000 to students working on a mineral or oil and gas exploration project in British Columbia. Successful applicants include: Joel Cubley, PhD student, University of Calgary Tom Meuzelaar, PhD student, Colorado School of Mines Dikun Yang, PhD student, University of […]

Geoscience BC Report 2009-11: Regional Drainage Sediment and Water Geochemical Data, Central BC (parts of NTS 93E, F, G, J, K, L, M, N & O)

May 14, 2009 -Geoscience BC is pleased to release new lake and stream sediment geochemistry data collected as part of the QUEST-West Project. Geoscience BC Report 2009-11 reports results from an in-fill lake and stream sediment and water geochemical survey, which includes a total of 905 lake sediment and water samples and 102 stream sediment and […]

Till Geochemical Exploration Targets, Babine Porphyry Copper Belt, Central British Columbia

Till Geochemical Exploration Targets, Babine Porphyry Copper Belt, Central British Columbia By T. Ferbey, V.M. Levson, R.E. Lett April 8, 2009-Geoscience BC Report 2009-10 / MEMPR Open File 2009-4 reports new till geochemical data from the Babine Porphyry Copper Belt in Central British Columbia. This digital release consists consists of a report plus an appendix […]

Geoscience BC Announces QUEST-South Phase 1 Projects

April 7, 2009- Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the launch of Phase 1 of the QUEST-South Geoscience Project in the southern interior of British Columbia. The QUEST-South Project builds on Geoscience BC’s successful QUEST and QUEST-West exploration geoscience projects, which combined regional geochemical surveys with regional airborne geophysics techniques to stimulate more exploration industry interest […]
