BCGeoMap QUEST Area Update: Joint Technical Poster Presented at KEG

April 7, 2009- The British Columbia Geological Survey, Geoscience BC and Natural Resources Canada’s Geological Survey of Canada have collaborated to update the BCGeoMap (the Province’s digital geology map) in central BC. The update area corresponds to Geoscience BC’s QUEST Project geophysical survey footprint, which extends from Williams Lake to Mackenzie (an area larger than […]

Collaborative Horn River Basin Aquifer Study – Phase 1

March 30, 2009-Geoscience BC and the Horn River Basin Producers Group have launched a number of collaborative geoscience projects to identify and map subsurface aquifers in the Horn River Basin (HRB). The Horn River Basin Aquifer Study will establish the suitability of selective water reservoirs to provide for future exploration and development opportunities of shale […]

Exploring on the Edge

March 16, 2009 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce that the Geological Association of Canada – Cordilleran Section ( is presenting a one day session:   EXPLORING ON THE EDGE Wednesday, April 29, 2009 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM UBC Robson Square, Vancouver   REGISTER NOW!: This one day session features local and international experts on the […]

Geoscience BC Scholarship in Applied Geoscience

February 23, 2009-Geoscience BC will be awarding up to ten scholarships in 2009 to students enrolled in Masters or Doctoral earth science or geoscience programs and working on a mineral or oil and gas exploration-related thesis project in British Columbia. The scholarships will be $5,000.00 CAD each and will be payable directly to the student. […]

Terrace and Beyond – Filling the Geoscience Gaps

February 18, 2009 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce a FREE workshop highlighting recent public geoscience work in the Terrace and Prince Rupert region: Terrace and Beyond – Filling the Geoscience Gaps Highlighting the Regional Geology and Geochemistry Thursday, February 26, 2009 10:30 am to 1:30 pm Room 2002, Northwest Community College, Terrace BC Lunch included […]

Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2008 — Geoscience BC Report — 2009-1

January 28, 2009-Geoscience BC is please to announce the release of “Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2008; Geoscience BC, Report 2009-1.” This annual technical publication includes twenty-one technical papers, highlighting the work of current Geoscience BC projects (including the QUEST-West Project). The entire volume is accessible online at, and limited print and CD versions of the […]

Geoscience BC Releases New Results from $5 Million QUEST-West Project

Vancouver B.C. – January 26, 2009 – Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of new QUEST-West results at the Mineral Exploration Roundup conference. Data released includes the QUEST-West airborne time domain electromagnetic (TEM) survey, and geochemical results from the reanalysis of almost 3500 archived stream sediment samples collected in the region between 1983 and […]

Geoscience BC Releases new Analysis of the QUEST Geochemical Dataset, Z-TEM Data from Mt. Milligan and Preliminary QUEST Project Area Till Geochemistry

January 26, 2009 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of Geoscience BC Report 2009-3: “Using Geochemistry and Neural Networks to map Geology under Glacial Cover.” The report releases the findings of a BW Mining study aimed at using the QUEST geochemical datasets and neural networks to map the geology, which is partially concealed by […]

Geoscience BC Announces the Addition of Dr. Kirstie Simpson as VP, Minerals Research, and Geoscience BC Mineral Exploration Roundup Highlights

January 23, 2009-Kirstie will work closely with industry and the Project Team to identify project opportunities, generate new projects and coordinate geoscience activities with partner universities, government and industry. She will assist in data integration, interpretation, dissemination and detailed follow-up of major project surveys. Kirstie will lead initiatives to provide ongoing applied geoscience education to […]

Geoscience BC Releases New Geochemical Results in Terrace–Prince Rupert Area

December 15, 2008-Terrace, BC — Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the immediate release of Geoscience BC Report 2008-11 (click here for data release), containing new geochemical data for the Terrace – Prince Rupert area. The data released includes new inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry (ICP–MS) analyses of steam sediment sample pulps from 2128 sites, […]
