Edges: Exposure of a New Inter-Agency Geo-Mapping Project for Mineral Potential in Southwest Yukon and Northern BC

November 17, 2008 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce that the Geological Association of Canada – Cordilleran Section (www.gac-cs.ca) is hosting a FREE Lunchtime Brownbag Lecture titled: Edges: Exposure of a New Inter-Agency Geo-Mapping Project for Mineral Potential in Southwest Yukon and Northern BC Dr. Bert Struik (Geological Survey of Canada – Vancouver) Date: Friday, […]

Geoscience BC Releases QUEST-West Airborne Gravity Survey

November 6, 2008 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of the QUEST-West airborne gravity survey today at 12:00 pm Pacific Time in Nelson BC, at the Minerals South Conference organized by the Chamber of Mines of Eastern BC. The QUEST-West airborne gravity survey covers an area of over 40,000 square kilometers, and includes […]

Horn River Basin Project

Fort St John (October 8, 2008): Geoscience BC is pleased to announce, in partnership with the Horn River Basin Shale Gas Producers Group and the B.C. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, a $5 million geoscience research program in the Horn River Basin of northeast B.C. Unlocking the gas from the shale formations in […]

Geoscience BC Announces Airborne Geophysical Survey in Kootenay Area

September 8, 2008- Geoscience BC, in partnership with Dajin Resources Corp. and Sultan Minerals Inc., is funding an airborne geophysical survey in southeast British Columbia starting in mid-September. The survey is designed to provide new geoscience information to help further our understanding of the mineral potential of this historic mining camp. Fugro Airborne Surveys will […]

Geoscience BC launches QUEST-West Airborne Electromagnetic Survey

August 1, 2008 – Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the launch of the QUEST-West airborne electromagnetic survey. This survey will help exploration geologists better understand the geology and mineral potential of central British Columbia, hopefully leading to increased mineral exploration investment in an area that has been heavily affected by the Mountain Pine Beetle. “Geoscience […]

Geoscience BC Seeks Oil and Gas Project Manager

July 7, 2008- Geoscience BC is looking for a senior oil and gas geoscientist to develop and manage our frontier oil and gas geoscience projects in Northeast BC. Geoscience BC is an industry-led, not-for-profit geoscience agency. Funded by a grant from the Provincial government, Geoscience BC’s mandate is to attract new mineral and oil & gas […]

Geoscience BC Announces Launch of $2.5 Million Nechako Basin Seismic Survey

July 7, 2008 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce that CGGVeritas of Calgary, Alberta have initiated a Vibroseis seismic reflection survey in the Nechako Basin west of Quesnel, in the heart of the Mountain Pine Beetle affected area of interior BC. This $2.5 million survey, totaling approximately 350 line-kilometres of new seismic data acquisition, has […]

Launch of the QUEST West Mountain Pine Beetle Geoscience Project

June 19, 2008- Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the launch of the QUEST West Mountain Pine Beetle Geoscience Project, in partnership with the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako, the Northern Development Initiative Trust (Northern Trust) and the BC Geological Survey of the Ministry of Energy Mines and Petroleum Resources. Geoscience BC’s Board has approved $4.5 […]

Geoscience BC Releases QUEST Project Airborne Gravity Dataset

June 12, 2008- Geoscience BC is pleased to release Geoscience BC Report 2008-8, which contains the final dataset for the QUEST airborne gravity survey. The Northern Development Initiative Trust, through their Pine Beetle Recovery program, co-funded the collection of airborne gravity data in the QUEST Project area with Geoscience BC. Geoscience BC Report 2008-8 includes the airborne gravity […]

Geoscience BC Announces Scholarship Winners for 2008

May 30, 2008, Vancouver – Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the awarding of eleven graduate scholarships for $5000 to students working on a mineral or oil and gas exploration project in British Columbia. Successful applicants include: Katrin Breitsprecher, PhD student, University of British Columbia Kevin Byrne, MSc student, University of British Columbia Joel Cubley, […]
