New QUEST Stream Sediment Geochemistry Released (NTS 093O)
May 21, 2008-Geoscience BC is pleased to release Geoscience BC Report 2008-7, which contains regional stream sediment and water geochemical data for the Pine Pass map sheet (NTS 093O). The Northern Development Initiative Trust, through their Pine Beetle Recovery program, co-funded the sample collection and analysis with Geoscience BC. Geoscience BC Report 2008-7 reports results for new samples […]
Geoscience Projects in the Nechako Basin to Be Highlighted at CSPG Conference in Calgary
May 8, 2008- Geoscience BC and the B.C. Ministry of Energy, Mines, and Petroleum Resources (MEMPR) are pleased to announce that the joint annual convention of the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists (CSPG), Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (CSEG) and Canadian Well Logging Society (CWLS) in Calgary will include seven presentations (including posters) on the oil and gas […]
Earthquakes in Southwest British Columbia: Living on the Edge
May 5, 2008- Geoscience BC is pleased to announce that the Geological Association of Canada – Cordilleran Section ( and UBC Robson Square are hosting a FREE public presentation titled: Earthquakes in Southwest British Columbia: Living on the Edge Dr. John Cassidy (Geological Survey of Canada) Thursday, May 8, 2008 4:00-5:00 PM Theatre Reception Foyer, UBC Robson Square, Downtown Vancouver Coffee […]
New QUEST Lake Sediment Geochemistry and Preliminary Airborne Gravity Images Released
April 1, 2008- Geoscience BC is pleased to release new lake sediment geochemistry and preliminary airborne gravity images collected as part of the QUEST Project. Geoscience BC Report 2008-5 reports results from an in-fill lake sediment and water survey which includes new samples from over 1800 sites in NTS sheets 093G, J, N and O, as well […]
GBC to release new QUEST Geochemical Data and Preliminary Gravity Images on April 1st
March 27, 2008 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce that new lake sediment samples collected as part of the QUEST Project will be released on April 1st at 4:30 pm Pacific Time. The data release will include samples from over 1800 sites from NTS sheets 093G, J, N and O. Geoscience BC will also be releasing preliminary […]
Geoscience BC Scholarship in Applied Geoscience
March 13, 2008 -Geoscience BC will be awarding up to ten scholarships in the 2008 year to students enrolled in Masters or Doctoral earth science or geoscience programs and working on a mineral or oil and gas exploration-related thesis project in British Columbia. The scholarships will be $5,000.00 CAD each and will be payable directly […]
Geoscience BC announces Results of Fall 2007 Request for Proposals and new Minerals Technical Advisory Committee Chair
February 26, 2008- Geoscience BC (GBC) is pleased to announce that eleven proposals submitted in response to GBC’s latest request for proposals (issued Sept 13, 2007) have been approved or approved-in-principle for funding. Geoscience BC will contribute over $500,000 to these projects, which will generate new geoscience information and help attract exploration investment across the province. Further details […]
Geoscience BC Applauds Government’s $12 Million Commitment for Mineral and Oil and Gas Exploration in BC
February 20, 2008- Geoscience BC today commended the provincial government for its commitment of $6 million in new funding to support mineral exploration work in pine-beetle affected areas of the province and $6 million for oil and gas exploration in BC’s frontier areas, which was announced in today’s provincial budget. “This investment will advance our understanding […]
Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2007, Geoscience BC Report 2008-1
January 30, 2008- Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of “Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2007; Geoscience BC, Report 2008-1.” This annual technical publication highlights the ongoing work of 14 current Geoscience BC projects, including Geoscience BC’s QUEST Project. The entire volume is accessible online at, and limited print and CD versions of the […]
Geoscience BC Releases Initial Results From $5 Million Exploration Project in Central B.C.’s Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation Area
Vancouver B.C. January 28, 2008 – Mineral claim staking in central B.C.’s Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation Area has skyrocketed in anticipation of the release of initial results from the $5 million QUEST (Quesnellia Exploration Strategy) mineral exploration project – the largest mineral exploration geoscience project of its kind in the province. Since the QUEST […]