Geoscience BC QUEST Project Update

August 10, 2007 – Geoscience BC is pleased to report that components of the QUEST Project geophysical surveying and geochemical sampling are now underway. The airborne electromagnetic survey, being carried out by Geotech Ltd. and TRK Helicopters, began production on August 5th in Prince George. To date, 13% of the survey (almost 1600 km) has […]

Report Release: Comparative Assessment of Soil Geochemical Methods for Detecting Buried Mineral Deposits — 3Ts Au-Ag Prospect, Central British Columbia: Final Report

July 19, 2007- Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of Geoscience BC Report 2007-7 “A Comparative Assessment of Soil Geochemical Methods for Detecting Buried Mineral Deposits – 3Ts Au-Ag Prospect, Central British Columbia” by Stephen Cook and Colin Dunn. The full report and executive summary are available here. Geoscience BC Report 2007-7 describes the methods and results of […]

Northern Trust Announces $750,000 Funding for Geoscience Surveys to Diversify the Mackenzie Region’s Economy

July 10, 2007- Mackenzie, BC — Bruce Sutherland, Chair of the Northern Development Initiative Trust (Northern Trust) today announced approval of the first project funded by the $32 million Mountain Pine Beetle Recovery Program to diversify the economy of communities impacted by the pine beetle in the BC interior. The $750,000 grant will fund new public […]

Geoscience BC Announces Scholarship Winners

June 28, 2007, Vancouver – Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the awarding of ten scholarships for $5000 to students across Canada, and in Australia. Successful applicants include: Adam Bath, PhD student, University of Tasmania; Scott Blevings, MSc student, University of British Columbia; Katrin Breitsprecher, PhD student, University of British Columbia; Jacqueline Dohaney, MSc student, University of British Columbia; Karin Fecova, MSc […]

Province Backs Quest To Unlock Mineral Potential

June 12, 2007- PRINCE GEORGE – Geoscience BC is launching the $5-million QUEST project in central B.C.’s Mountain Pine Beetle infestation area to help unlock the province’s mineral potential and stimulate new economic activity, announced Minister of State for Mining Kevin Krueger. “This is the largest public geoscience project in British Columbia’s history,” said Krueger. “This important […]

Skeena Arch Metallogenic Data and Map

June 6, 2007- Geoscience BC is pleased to announce to the release of the Skeena Arch Metallogenic Data and Map (NTS map sheets 093E, L, M; south half of 094D, east half of 103I and southeast corner of 103P) by Don MacIntyre. Geoscience BC Report 2007-5/Geofile 2007-3 presents the geology and mineral deposits of the Skeena Arch area […]

Geoscience BC Planning For New Regional Surveys in Central BC

May 14, 2007 – Geoscience BC (GBC) is planning to undertake regional geophysical and geochemical surveys this summer in central BC. The surveys will focus on the central part of the Quesnel Terrane, which is largely hidden under glacial cover, and remains under-explored but prospective for porphyry Cu and Cu-Au deposits such as those at Gibraltar, […]

New Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectrometric and Magnetic Data in Bonaparte Lake Area

Vancouver, BC — April 3, 2007 — Geoscience BC, in partnership with Natural Resources Canada’s (NRCan) Targeted Geoscience Initiative 3, Candorado Operating Company Limited, Amarc Resources Limited and GWR Resources Limited, is pleased to announce the release of new airborne gamma-ray spectrometric and magnetic data in the Bonaparte Lake Area (parts of NTS 092P and […]

Geoscience BC announces the creation of a Technical Advisory Committee to oversee oil and gas projects in British Columbia

March 14, 2007 -Twenty percent of Geoscience BC’s funding is targeted at encouraging oil and gas exploration in British Columbia, in particular the Nechako region west of Williams Lake and Quesnel. The subsurface geology of the Nechako basin is poorly understood due to the limited exploration that has taken place over the last 50 years, […]

Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the appointment of Christa Sluggett as Project Geologist and Communications Coordinator

February 20, 2007 – Ms. Sluggett will be responsible for GBC’s geoscience project management, including administration of project agreements, technical oversight, and assisting in identifying, designing and encouraging proposals on key projects that will fill strategic applied geoscience data gaps and attract new exploration investment to BC. In addition, she will play a key role […]
