Jake Bhakta – M.Sc. Student, University of Manitoba


Jake is an M.Sc. student under the supervision of Dr. Anton Chakhmouradian at the University of Manitoba. He has a B.Sc. in exploration geology degree from Cardiff University, UK, which was completed in 2022. During this time, Jake completed an undergraduate research project on behalf of Sarn Helen Gold, which focused on assessing the effectiveness of portable-XRF for gold exploration in Pembrokeshire. His current research focusses on the nature and distribution of rare earth element (REE) mineralization in the eastern Ice River Complex in British Columbia’s  Southeast Region. Jake works for TerraLogic Exploration Inc. and has the privilege to work on numerous grassroots exploration projects throughout Western Canada.

Project: The Nature and Distribution of REE-mineralization in the Eastern Part of the Ice River Complex, British Columbia

Carbonatites are currently the most important source of REEs globally, with the evolutionary process dictating the formation of economically viable concentrations. Carbonatites are often affected by post-magmatic processes, which facilitate the dissolution and re-precipitation of REE mineralization. As carbonatites are susceptible to subsolidus re-equilibration, understanding the mineralogy of any given carbonatite is critical to determine viability. The Ice River Complex is an alkaline intrusion comprised of an ijolite-urtite series, which is cored by a carbonatite plug and overlain by a syenite series. The eastern Ice River Complex contains numerous REE-enriched carbonatite and syenite intrusive bodies. This research will enable Eagle Plains Resources Ltd. to identify and correlate distinct REE-mineralization styles to geochemical variations within the host rocks; to constrain the distribution of mineralized rocks in the eastern part of the Ice River Complex; and to determine the role of magmatic and subsolidus processes in the development of REE mineralization.
