Look Again: New Insights from 'Old' Data
Vancouver, BC – January 21, 2025 – Geoscience BC and the Mineral Deposit Research Unit (UBC) are pleased to announce the release of a new report which interprets the deep geology of central British Columbia based on existing geophysical data.
The report, Interpreted undercover and deep geology of the central Quesnel terrane, British Columbia, from electromagnetic and gravity data, considers the results of Geoscience BC’s 2007 QUEST program of geophysical surveys to generate new interpretations that provide a link between mapped volcanic units in the north and south of the project area. The report also identifies distinct areas that may represent units prospective for mineral exploration, as well as areas of structural disruption.
Lead author, Dr. Dianne Mitchinson: “MDRU was pleased to have the opportunity to continue to add value to Geoscience BC’s QUEST geophysical datasets by providing new interpretations of gravity and electromagnetic data. Public domain data are very important supports for the prospecting, exploration, and mining communities, and it is hoped that this research adds context, stokes interest in and enhances accessibility to these valuable public data.”
Geoscience BC Vice President, Minerals, Christa Pellett: This study is a fantastic example of extracting new information out of “old” data. The results will be highly valuable to bedrock mapping updates and mineral exploration in central British Columbia.”
Accessing information
To view the reports and data, visit the project page.
About Geoscience BC
Geoscience BC is a not-for-profit society managing and co-funding independent geoscience research in collaboration with members and partners from industries, governments, communities and Indigenous groups in British Columbia. Our public research informs decisions about critical minerals and metals, cleaner energy, carbon management and water.
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of our partners, including the Province of British Columbia through the Ministries of Energy and Climate Solutions, and Mining and Critical Minerals.
Visit geosciencebc.com or follow us @GeoscienceBC to find out more.
For more information, please contact:
Virginie Pochard Linage
Geoscience BC