string(10) "[Minerals]"

Upgrade Geoscience Database and Increase Investment in the Area - Town of Lillooet

Lead Researcher(s):  G. Kamenka

Project ID:  2005-028

Key Research Organization(s):  District of Lillooet

Project Location:  Squamish-Lillooet

Strategic Focus Area:  Mineral


On October 13th, 2005 twenty-five participants from industry, government, major geoscience producing agencies and the local community met in Lillooet for a one-day geoscience workshop. With an open-house scheduled for the afternoon to present the morning's findings, the intent was to engage the local community in geoscience. The workshop was unique in that it was the first time in B.C. that community representatives have met with industry, non-government organizations and government representatives to identify geoscience surveys for their region for the ultimate purpose of attracting mineral exploration investment.
