
The area was chosen as it: 1) Had high potential to host porphyry copper, molybdenum, and gold-style mineralization (e.g. Huckleberry Mine, Berg and Lucky Ship developed prospects), epithermal and perhaps VMS-style mineralization, and polymetallic veins (e.g. past producers Equity Silver and Emerald Glacier); 2) Is an area where mineral exploration is hindered by an extensive till cover and relatively little bedrock out crop; and 3) Is adjacent to Huckleberry Mine where there is a clear relationship between Cu, Mo, Au, Ag, and Zn in till geochemical data and the locations of ore zones and polymetallic veins on the mine property. There were large areas of unstaked ground within the study area and to assess the mineral potential of it, Quaternary mapping and till sampling were conducted in two mapsheets per year, with resultant Quaternary geology maps and till geochemical data being released annually.
This project, located within Geoscience BC's QUEST-West study area, provided new, high-quality, regional-scale, geochemical data that will help guide mineral exploration efforts in an area with high mineral potential and an extensive cover of glacial drift. Integrating interpretations of these data with other geochemical and geophysical data being collected by Geoscience BC in the QUEST-West study area, and historic data that have been collected by the British Columbia Geological Survey and the Geological Survey of Canada, provides a powerful tool for mineral exploration companies working in the area. This geochemical data encourages new mineral exploration activity, and resultant economic opportunities, in an area adversely affected by the mountain pine beetle infestation.